Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
2. to give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon aresearch project; to abandon hopes for a stage career.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
3. to give up the control of: to abandon a city to an enemyarmy.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
4. to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give(oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to abandon oneself to grief.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
5. Law . to cast away, leave, or desert, as property or a child.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
6. Insurance . to relinquish (insured property) to theunderwriter in case of partial loss, thus enabling the insuredto claim a total loss.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya M 1:4 f=65mm; Ilford FP4+; hand metered with Sekonic L-758DR.
7. Obsolete . to banish.
"RZ67 Pro II",
"Red Desert",
"black and white film",
"medium format film",
Mamiya RZ67,
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