I think initially I shied away from black and white (and this is ironic) because of Ansel Adams. Like so many of my baby boomer generation had, I grew up admiring his work. I think perhaps it intimidated me. I didn’t want to be, nor did the world need - another Ansel Adams. But being the first John Crane was a more interesting creative pursuit.
2016 will for me - be remembered as the year my eyes were once again opened to the world of creative black and white photography. Over 30 years had passed since processing my last roll of film in the University of Iowa dark room as a photojournalism major. Though I considered developing my own film again many times during those years, I put it off for a multitude of - what now seem lame - reasons.
Finally in early 2016 I placed the order for supplies. A few days later the smell of developer, stop bath and fixer filled the studio again and it was very, very good.
Since developing my first roll again. any hesitation has long since vanished now, black and white is all I want to shoot.
Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Black & White
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Ilford DDX, black and white, developing, film, fixer, stop bath, traditional darkroom